Wednesday, October 22, 2008

You Make Melvin's Decision

If it is true that it's down to Bob Brenly, Willie Randolph and Ken Macha, who do you want and why? My vote would be 1-Brenly, 2-Randolph and 3-Macha. However, I have a strange feeling the Melvin is in love with Macha as he was offered it the first time around before we got Yost.

1 comment:

Doc said...

I believe it's Macha as well for the same reasons you stated above. Don't have much of an opinion other than I didn't like Randolph as the Mets collapses were Breweresk. I also thought what the Hell were the Packers doing hiring the SF Offensive Coordinator. Shows how much I know. Would like to see someone with experience. Why doesn't Yount ever get considered? Before Yost got fired I had some inside info that said Simmons was going to get the job after the season with Yost being let go. Shows again how much I know!!! Heard the Crew was going to offer C.C. 120 for 6 years and if that didn't work were going to trade J.J. or Fielder for a starting pitcher. Why not make a play for Peavy?