Saturday, October 4, 2008

So You're Saying There's A Chance?

Well, it appears all of our hopes are resting on the arm of Jeff Suppan tomorrow. I just hope Supe can get through 5 innnings with the lead. If were in position, we should be fine. The Brewers bullpen surprisingly has been great in the NLDS with the exception of Torres tonight.
I will be on hand for the game tomorrow, so let's go Brewers.

On another note, the Badgers lost their 2nd game in a row that they shouldn't have lost. Sat in the prevent defense in the last drive and let OSU march right down the field. Then Evridge throws a terrible pass to seal the loss. Very average QB play and an average defense = a very below average bowl game. With those two qualities they ought to run John Clay about 40 times a night. The two drives he was in on were the two drives that UW scored touchdowns. I can't believe he doesn't get more touches.

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